Thursday, February 26, 2009

Series of mini posts...

Hey Ya'll. Whats goin on? Well since I'm going to be amazingly busy these next few days, I dont think I'm gonna be updating my blog for a little while. Well no...I'll try to do what the topic of this post is and just try to point you kool kats in the right musical direction. Hows that sound? I still love all 3 of my readers lol :D

Well on that note, is where you should be at right now. As soon as that page loads your blasted with the kool Cali style of S.E.V.E.N. Check out El Foreigner. Its really chill and they got a good flow to the beat just the way I like it; not exactly on the beat perfect, but a lil off to create that dissonance....but hey that every hiphop song isnt it? Yeahh I guess...I'm just a fan of the style.

I'm done here my ppl but please oh please do not hesitate to hit me up for whatever reason. Just to say somethin random or (what I'd like you to do) tell me about that new artist that no one knows about but you. Share it pplz....I think I should make a website based on that hmmm ideaaass lol. On that lovely note, Peace Out EveryBody [chuck deuces]


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hippity Hop

Yoooo whats up guys. All two of my readers lol. Well I got another person you guys should check out. His name is Charles Hamilton. Also you have to look at this site a friend of mine recommended to me called This site is pretty awesome, it's basically a place where artists upload their mixtapes.

Now I havent heard all of Charles Hamiltons mixtapes (this guy uploads a mixtake like everyday) but this one is pretty damn good. Type in the search bar "Charles Hamilton" and look for "Well Isn't This Awkward". The picture is Super Sonic with a pink bouquet of flowers (weirdest mix I've ever seen). Ahhh just listen to it, its great.

Today was a short entry but I'm tired so i dont care uhhh peace out everybody


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Doesnt it make you wanna learn guitar?

So here I am again...sitting in my room inspired to write again. Lol inspired....yeah I'm just bored right now. Well in my boredom I found these guys at

I found them because my friend send me this youtube link to some bald guy playing guitar. Well apparentely this guy is pretty popular seeing as the views to this link was about 9mill. Pretty insane right? Well the bald guy goes by the name Andy McKee and he play guitar like none other. Well none that I've heard anyways. Go to the site and look for em or youtube, whatever tickles your fancy.

One more thing...I'm doing another sound studio project where I have to record myself reading a paragraph of text and then make it perfect my mixing and the like. Well because this required me to rent a mic from my school I figured I'd try killing two birds with one stone. My professor suggested that If I want to go into game design or sound design or what have you, I should start creating a library of sounds so I can have some homemade stuff at my disposal.

I don't necessarily want to become a sound designer when I grow up this stuff is interesting. I thought I'd start it this weekend. So yeah just thought that I'd share that with you guys.

Rock on people Rock On.

P.s. check out this band called mew, I'll do a full piece on them but I havent actually listened to them alot. I'm going on my bro's recommendation.


Saturday, February 7, 2009


This is a quick little entry so yeah. I remember a movie I saw called Once about a Czech woman and a man from Ireland who's music brings each other together. It was a real chick flick but gawdammit it was beautiful. What stood out to me the most wasn't the story though, in fact it was the music. Every track riddled with nothing but raw emotion, you could feel the love, sadness, joy, frustration, your heart went out for this couple. Seriously I havent heard anything so...I havent heard anything that could evoke emotions in such a masterful way. The cool thing is that these tracks stand alone. They dont need the movie behind it to give'em meaning. Movie OST's arent known for that so I just think thats awesome.

My favorite track is called "When Your Mind's Made Up". It starts off slow...then the piano chimes in which is a nice complement to the vocals + guitar. Then begins the buildup into a powerful crescendo and it sounds like he screams in what seems like anger but, what I got from the lyrics is sheer frustration, damn its amazing. All the while this piano keeps going through all the insanity, all of the

I just think this kind of stuff has to be about dun write this to just make a hit.
If you like folk/good music....please watch this movie. Damn....just buy it.

One more thing guys gimme suggestions on like everything. Maybe how the blog should be, or maybe what people I should take a look at. Anything, I love feedback so comment aways guys. Peace out everybody. Word, grapedrink.


Lijit ad Wijit

About Me

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Whats up peoples. I'm Corey aka Coreo and welcome to me blog =] I like all different kinds of music so if ya have any suggestions for a topic throw'em here. Oh, and I'm also madd kool :D


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